F1 FantasyLeagues

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Content Creators
" gives me the edge I need to make the best decisions for my lineup.
Their scoring and price change simulations are a fixture of my research before every race!"
"I consider F1 Fantasy Tools the benchmark for F1 Fantasy analysis.
Their cutting-edge simulations and Elite Data insights enable an optimal decision-making process before every deadline!"
"F1 Fantasy Tools is the go-to site for all F1 Fantasy strategists.
It's the first website I load on race weekends. Their simulations and Elite Data are staples for me when I'm creating content."
F1 FantasyLeagues
UsingOur Toolbox
Team Calculator
Find the best teams for you using top-tier simulations from our analyst Rhter.
Budget Builder
See what assets are likely to increase in price so you can build your budget.
Live Scoring
Follow your F1 Fantasy Teams live throughout the weekend.
Season Summary
Get a personal summary of your F1 Fantasy season.
Elite Data
Learn from the Top 500 global players and compare strategies.
Dive into the F1 (Fantasy) data for every race, driver and constructor.
Team Analyzer
Analyze the decisions you made for your teams throughout the season.
League Analyzer
Analyze and visualize your leagues to keep track of the competition.
Become a Patron
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use our Premium Tools
to link your account and
use our Premium Tools
- No ads
- Premium features in free tools
- Entry into prized Patron league
- Data saved after season ends(F1 Fantasy deletes almost everything)
- You help us make better tools!
Everything for only
€5 / month!
(or equivalent in your local currency)

and your favorite
Content Creators
" gives me the edge I need to make the best decisions for my lineup.
Their scoring and price change simulations are a fixture of my research before every race!"
"I consider F1 Fantasy Tools the benchmark for F1 Fantasy analysis.
Their cutting-edge simulations and Elite Data insights enable an optimal decision-making process before every deadline!"
"F1 Fantasy Tools is the go-to site for all F1 Fantasy strategists.
It's the first website I load on race weekends. Their simulations and Elite Data are staples for me when I'm creating content."
Trusted by
Top-Ranking Players
2024 Winner
Andrew Harris
2023 Runner-up
Bruno Alves
2022 Runner-up
McGeezer F1